Program Development

Program Development

Program Development

Do you want to create a new program or take your current program to the next level? Are you frustrated and don't know what to do?

I have created programs over the last twenty years, from creating a Financial Management Division at The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establishing a reporting system, policy, and procedures for a Psychological Health Program for the Department of Defense, including annual training, certification, and credentialing. As a Member of the Maternity Leave Workgroup for the Air and Army National Guard, Senior Executive Services for military members created legislative language. It gained approval for 4VN9R and became law to provide compensation and credit for retired pay purposes for maternity leave with career enhancements to retain female National Guard and Reserve Components, Section 602, P.L. 116-283.

Bring your vision to life with TH² GLOBAL, LLC's program development services. Whether you're launching a new initiative or enhancing an existing one, I am here to help you design, plan, and execute programs that achieve your objectives and make a meaningful impact.

I understand that successful programs require careful planning and execution. With my program development services, you'll benefit from a customized approach, strategic insights, and a roadmap for success. You'll witness your ideas come to life and create a lasting legacy.

Don't let your vision remain a dream; turn it into a reality. Partner with me today to bring your ideas to life and make a meaningful impact. Realize your goals and embark on a journey of transformative change. Contact me now!

Discover how my program development services can turn your ideas into impactful programs.


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Ready to transform your healthcare journey? Reach out to TH2 GLOBAL, LLC, your healthcare partner dedicated to innovation and advocacy. Let's create better health together!